

Drupal has become one of the most popular CMS around the world. Since it is written in PHP, very popular web programming language, it is also attractive to developers. It has nearly forty thousand modules and more than two thousand different themes, so it's no wonder that developers and designers like to work with it. It is suitable for all types of websites, from those advanced and heavier portals for communities to lighter, simpler personal web pages. Most importantly, it's great for ambitious websites (link to blog post about this).

What are other benefits we recognize?

It is open source software.

That means that anyone can download, use, work on, and share it with others. It’s built on principles like collaboration, globalism, and innovation. Since core software, modules and a large number of themes are open sourced; web development cost can be reduced significantly.

It is SEO friendly.

SEO is number one when it comes to online marketing strategies. In order to achieve great website rang with keywords people search to discover your products online, Drupal has the excellent flexibility of display content. And one more thing we see as very important, Drupal has the ability to give pages aliases, so times, when URL was like “SEO.com/notfriendly/123#4” are over, better version of it is “SEO.com/friendly/instructions”. Search engines prefer the second version, and readers do as well.  

It is mobile-ready.

Smart devices are becoming increasingly widespread, and web pages, made on Drupal's platform, can be viewed the same on smart devices as on desktop computers. This additional feature is a great advantage for businesses, because it allows them to spend less on optimizing mobile pages, and the traffic is automatically increased as the number of customers who prefer smart devices is increasing every day.

The community.

Drupal has a highly active community which participates in every aspect of Drupal developing and is responsible for Drupal being the most successful software on the market.  Is one of the largest open source communities, and we all support each other, and we are doing everything to make Drupal the best.


Because Drupal is an open source system, the questions arise whether it is safe. In a closed-source system that is licensed, the code is closed to the eyes of the public, so it's impossible to figure out how many bugs are waiting for us in this system. As an open source system, Drupal is open for everyone, so bugs are found faster and more efficient, so security should not be the reason for not picking Drupal for your website, straight opposite.


There are much more benefits of Drupal; we chose 5 of the most significant of them. We cannot escape the truth that Drupal is getting more and more powerful every day. With all those people behind it, providing a free open source solution for everybody, we are not surprised. If u have any more questions about Drupal, reach out to us, we are more than happy to answer them.